Session Formats
All first sessions are open and honest conversations about your goals and concerns. Our assessment session is to gauge the best course of treatment and collaborate with you in your therapeutic journey.
Individual psychotherapy opens a safe space for you to explore any aspect of your life, including relationships, self-confidence, motivation, stress management, and countless other issues. Here, you are guided to discover and express who you are and what you really think and — no matter how bold, or unconventional, free of expectations and judgement.
Recognizing that you need assistance in your relationship is the first step to healing, and a wonderful opportunity for profound growth and self-realization. Our couples therapy program helps you both focus and understand your unique selves, because only then can you know and understand your partner. Here, your therapist is an unbiased guide who’s priority is strengthening your union and rekindling kindness, compassion, and forgiveness in your relationship.
In group therapy sessions, your therapist is a guide who helps your family or group become more aware of the subtle dynamics and circumstances at play in your relationships. This awareness can help you make more informed life choices, smooth continued tensions or power-struggles, and begin to resolve hidden wounds.
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”